Hướng Bếp Tuổi Nhâm Tuất

hướng bếp tuổi nhâm tuất
hướng bếp tuổi nhâm tuất

The kitchen is not only a place for cooking, but it also plays a vital role in determining the prosperity and wealth of a family according to feng shui beliefs. Therefore, choosing the direction of the kitchen, considering the feng shui aspects based on the homeowner’s age is essential.

Tử vi của người sinh năm Nhâm Tuất 1982

For those born in the year of Nhâm Tuất 1982, it is important to understand the astrological profile of this year. Specifically, some noteworthy points are as follows:

  • Nhâm Tuất individuals have a Water element in their destiny, which corresponds to the Great Ocean in the Vietnamese language.
  • According to the Five Elements theory, people born in 1982 belong to the Eastern Four Palaces and have favorable directions in terms of feng shui, namely: Southeast, North, East, and South. However, directions such as Northwest, West, Northeast, and Southwest are considered unfavorable for those born in the year of Nhâm Tuất.
  • As Water is associated with the Metal element, the colors that are considered auspicious for Nhâm Tuất individuals are white, silver, and gold. Additionally, Water is also nourished by itself, so shades of blue and black can also be chosen for kitchen furniture. Colors to avoid include yellow, brown, red, orange, purple, and others that may bring bad luck and misfortune.

Tử vi người tuổi Nhâm Tuất
Tử vi người tuổi Nhâm Tuất

As seen, being born in the year of Nhâm Tuất is quite interesting in terms of destiny. To experience positive aspects in life, various factors come into play, such as choosing a kitchen direction that suits Nhâm Tuất individuals. The following section will discuss this matter in detail.

Tuổi nhâm tuất nên đặt bếp hướng nào hợp phong thủy?

Regardless of the personal destiny, the kitchen direction must always adhere to the principle of “evil sitting, auspicious facing” in feng shui. This means that the kitchen should be placed in an inauspicious direction, while the stove should face a favorable direction in the hope that the fire will burn away the negative energies and bring good luck.

Tuổi Nhâm Tuất đặt bếp hướng nào hợp phong thủy
Tuổi Nhâm Tuất đặt bếp hướng nào hợp phong thủy

When selecting the kitchen location, caution is required as all cooking activities take place there. Placing the kitchen in the wrong feng shui direction can cause disharmony in the family, as well as a decline in the health and wealth of its members.

When following feng shui principles for home arrangement, the kitchen direction can be determined based on the house’s orientation. However, it’s important to note that the kitchen’s orientation should not exactly align with the house’s orientation.

For those born in the year of Nhâm Tuất 1982, the good and auspicious kitchen directions are:

  • Southeast (Heavenly Doctor – Receives heavenly blessings)
  • North (Stability – Ensures stability in life)
  • East (Life Energy – Brings complete fortune)
  • South (Support – Provides assistance)

For more information, you can refer to Tuổi Ất Mão đặt bếp hướng nào hợp phong thủy.

Nam Nhâm Tuất 1982 nên đặt hướng bếp như thế nào?

For male individuals born in 1982, the kitchen should be placed in the Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, West directions, while facing the good directions of Southeast, South, North, and East.

Note: The kitchen sink should be placed in unfavorable directions such as East, Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, or West, and should be placed away from the cooking area. This helps to wash away any unfavorable energies.

Nam Nhâm Tuất 1982 nên đặt bếp hướng nào?
Nam Nhâm Tuất 1982 nên đặt bếp hướng nào?

Nữ tuổi Nhâm Tuất đặt bếp hướng nào hợp phong thủy?

For female individuals born in the year of Nhâm Tuất, the kitchen should be placed in the East, Southeast, North, and facing directions such as Northwest, West, Northeast, and Southwest.

Note: The kitchen sink is believed to wash away any bad luck, so it is suitable to place it in unfavorable directions such as East, Northwest, Southeast, South, and away from the cooking area.

Nữ Nhâm Tuất nên đặt bếp hướng nào?
Nữ Nhâm Tuất nên đặt bếp hướng nào?

Lưu ý cho người tuổi Nhâm Tuất khi đặt tủ bếp

In addition to the favorable kitchen direction, individuals born in the year of Nhâm Tuất should also consider the following when arranging the kitchen cabinets:

  • Place the kitchen cabinets in well-ventilated areas with ample natural light, avoiding dark or damp places.
  • Avoid placing the kitchen entrance directly facing the main door or facing the bedroom to prevent health issues and misfortune.
  • Avoid placing the kitchen cabinets opposite the bathroom door. The kitchen contains cooking utensils and food, while the bathroom is the place with the most bacteria. Placing them opposite each other can lead to the spread of bacteria or undesirable airflows from the bathroom into the kitchen, directly affecting one’s health.
  • Absolutely avoid placing kitchen cabinets below a crossbeam as it will obstruct the line of sight and hinder good luck, leading to unnecessary financial losses.
  • Suitable colors for the kitchen cabinets for Nhâm Tuất individuals are black, yellow, silver, white, gray, or blue. The material can be either engineered wood or natural wood.

Lưu ý cho tuổi Nhâm Tuất khi đặt tủ bếp
Lưu ý của tuổi Nhâm Tuất 1982 khi đặt tủ bếp

These are the relevant information regarding the kitchen direction for individuals born in the year of Nhâm Tuất 1982 according to feng shui. It is hoped that after reading this article, those born in Nhâm Tuất will be able to choose a suitable kitchen direction that brings luck, fortune, and success to themselves and their families.

If you need assistance or advice in designing and arranging your kitchen cabinets according to your age, you can directly contact Nội Thất CaCo at hotline: 0987.822.944.

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